PLANTS IN FLOWER: Marigold; Nasturtium; Chicory; Love-in-the-Mist; Cornflower; Tagetes; White Marjoram; Chives:; Oregano; several Clematis & many types of grasses.
Gathering handfuls of fresh vegetables from the garden on a daily basis for cooking is wonderful knowing that everything has been grown without the use of any kind of chemicals. Ruby stemmed chard, two types of french beans, runner beans, main crop potatoes, sweetcorn and courgettes are especially plentiful. There are even a few artichokes ready and a few late strawberries still.
The driveway has become rather overgrown this last month although it is good to see that the grass on the new protective earth barrier running along above the stream is looking really healthy. I also need to overhaul the border in October and move or divide some of the perennial geraniums which are swamping the overall effect. But although the border looks wild and overgrown just now, the shrubs which form it's main structure have put on alot of growth this season and once I tackle the mess I think it will start to look really mature next year. After all, it was only three years ago that much of the border was first planted.
I love having a potting shed, so when the rain sweeps in, I can retire inside with a cup of tea and pot up some seedlings or stare at a rainbow across the valley from the shelter of the door.