May 2007 - May Day

It is the 1st of May at ‘Green Valley’ (or ‘Cwmgwyrdd’) and the sky is a beautiful clear, azure blue. I have just picked up the keys to the farmhouse having exchanged final contracts for the property early this morning. The surrounding landscape is vibrating with different shades of green and it feels like the whole valley is springing into life. It is possible to hear the mountain stream in the kitchen and from the main bedroom with the windows open. I want to get to know the land as intimately as possible in the coming weeks! I spend my days scouring every bit of the gardens to see what is here: I follow the stream up to its source in the mountains and explore the neighbouring valleys; in the woods, there are many ancient trees, including a mature oak, several large ash trees and lots of hazel; the white bark of the silver birch trees looks delicate and picturesque amongst the evergreens while the tall Scots pines appear statuesque outlined against the sky in the west, especially at sunset. I discover a large hole in the fence down by the stream and fix it with some old wire netting from the barn to stop the lambs rampaging through the garden in small gangs. The fence on the far side of the stream will also need to be repaired quite thoroughly to keep the sheep from getting into the woodland. Lots of small tracks in the undergrowth crisscross the stream; it is clear that the woods have not been tended in over fifty years, as there are so many fallen trees and dead branches everywhere. There is a small south-facing field beside the driveway to the farmhouse entirely overgrown with brambles and bracken, with a primitive outbuilding alongside, once used as a stable. In the future, it would make a wonderful spot for an orchard with a vegetable garden and potting shed.